Course Handicaps – Tool

We get asked about handicaps all the time.  Always a topic of discussion.

We have several posts and pages about handicaps on this website.  The real technical explanation can be found (CLICK HERE)

Calculating handicaps guides (similar to GHIN) is simple in concept but requires manipulation of a fair amount of data.  The data is best handled in a spreadsheet or database for the best control and computation.  Calculating a Course Handicap is simpler, but still requires course, tee and player data.

To make this easier, I have a little tool that might help.  Following spreadsheet requires only 2 data items input – a Handicap Guide (example 19.4) and the first 3 letters of the course (example – inn for INNSBROOK).  Below is a PDF file as example.

Download (PDF, 11KB)

Once input the sheet presents the course and tee data (Forward and Back) and it calculates course handicaps for each tee for the specific input Handicap Guide.

This can be downloaded to a smartphone.  If you can open and input to spreadsheets on your phone, you can run your handicap anywhere, anytime.

Please note – this uses current data for most of our 2018 courses.  It must be updated for the 2019 season  In addition I’ll be adding the Special Events courses and the Metro Plus courses.

If you are interested in getting a working copy, send me an email at

Email Scam Running Now

There is an email scam running now that appears to include Metro Seniors addresses.  We have a lot of folks that use email lists.  Any one of these individuals could have had their email lists accessed.  The “sender” may not be the source of the email list but simply on a list that was found.  

There are no attachments and no evidence of malware in the message.

WHAT TO DO?  Simply delete this message.  Don’t reply to it.  

The scam message is addresses from someone you will know or recognize.  The first message looks something like this:


xxxxx yyyyyFri, Nov 16, 6:31 PM (13 hours ago)
Hi there, I need a favor from you. I’d appreciate if you could email me back asap. Thanks xxxxxx

A second message may look like this:

xxxxx  yyyyyyyNov 16, 2018, 7:22 PM (13 hours ago)

I am sorry for bothering you with this mail, I need to get an iTunes gift card for my Niece, Its her birthday but i can’t do this now because I’m currently traveling and i tried purchasing online but unfortunately no luck with that. Can you get it from any store around you? I’ll pay back as soon as i am back. Kindly let me know if you can handle this.
Await your soonest response.

Division 3 Schedules Revised

Change happens! The Division 3 schedule has been revised as of 11-15-2018.  2 dates have swapped from the original listings.  Now Oak Valley is played on April 18, 2019 and Columbia Bridges is scheduled for September 5, 2019.   Events Calendar has also been updated.

Division 3 VP Gary Maule has posted the latest Division 3, Starter/Scorer and Mentors schedules.  GREAT JOB GARY!  Almost all Starter/Scorer slots are filled.  

If you have not signed up yet, do so quickly, please.

CLICK HERE to see the Division 3 Schedules.

2019 Membership Renewal Now Open

CLICK HERE for Renewal Forms

Membership Renewal for 2019 season is open from November 1 through December 31, 2018.  If you want to renew, stay in your current division, and keep you handicap history intact fr the 2019 season you must renew BEFORE Dec 31, 2018.

Why the time limit to Dec 31 for renewals?

We limit each division membership to about 160.  This puts about 90 to 120 people on our courses each week.  More people overcrowd the course giving 5 hour plus rounds.  Pace of play at or near 4:30 is important.  This stops overcrowding.

We have a number of golfers (non-members) who wish to join, but we give current members priority up to Dec 31.   After that new golfers may join with the same priority as renewing members. Our Thursday divisions (3, 4, and 5) at usually at the limit.  If you delay past Dec 31, you just might not get back into your regular division.

We open registration for Special Events and Metro-Plus events only to members properly registered (renewing or new) on Jan 1, 2019 but.  If you wait to renew later than Dec 31, you may not be able to register for Special or Plus.  These usually fill up fast.

Don’t hesitate.  Do it now.  December 31 is coming fast!

CLICK HERE for Renewal Forms

Add Division 9 for FREE

If you are a member of Division 1-5 you can join Division 9 FREE.  You can play in Division 9 (9 hole tournament at Riverside, Wednesday mornings, mid-March through mid-November.  Play is fast, cheap (as little as $12 a round), easy, and fun.  It is great warm-up or practice for Thursday or Friday tournaments.

Division 9 – Add an 18 Hole Division for only $45

Also – Division 9 only members – join one of our 18 hole divisions for only $45 more than your Division 9 membership of $20.  You play only the events you want.  20 to 30 D1-5 members already play on Wednesday too.   Join them on Thursday or Friday.  Sign up as a NEW MEMBER for Division 1-5.  If you have already renewal for Division 9 for 2019, your $20 fee will be refunded once confirmed.

Metro Seniors – Year End

The attached PDF file at the bottom is a summary of the 2018 season for Metro Seniors.  This was presented to the Board of Governors and was used for the presentation to the General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2018.

We have a wonderful organization in Metro St. Louis Seniors Golf Association.  The organization has been blessed with strong leadership for many years.  We truly stand on the shoulders of giants!

The Board and Committees are staffed by members who are dedicated and driven to make the organization stronger and better every year.  

We are a volunteer organization.  Many of our current leaders have been serving you for several years.  Please be sure that you express your appreciation for each of them.  Without them you simply would not have as much fun!

Every year we have at least 4 to 8 positions on the Board, in Committees, or in our Officers that are vacated.  We are filling most roles. But, we can do more with more help.  If you have ideas for improvements, you can help drive those forward.  Don’t wait for us to ask. Tell your Board Directors. Tell your VP. Tell the President.  Help and lead us to make your suggestions become reality.

In the next 5 years, we can expect that almost every one in current leadership will be replaced.  We need some of our newer and younger members to step up NOW to be ready to lead us into the next decade.

I want a strong, viable Metro Seniors serving me and the St. Louis area in 10 and 20 years when I’m 80 and perhaps even 90.  

It has been a pleasure for me to serve on the Board and as 1st VP and now President over the last 6 years.  I look forward to the next few years.

The rewards are all personal:

  • Contributing to a exceptional organization
  • Making improvements for our collective future
  • Working with a great group of people
  • Extending friendships beyond your foursome

Constitution Revised

The Constitution and By Laws of Metro Seniors has evolved over the years.  This year the Board of Governors decided that updates were needed.  A special committee was formed to look at current and future practices and recommend changes.

The Board of Governors reviewed and unanimously recommended approval of the revised documents.  These were published for review and comment by members.

On Tuesday, November 13, 2018, the membership voted to approve the revised Constitution and By Laws.

The Constitution and By Laws are kept on our website for public view.  CLICK HERE

Members are welcomed to read, download and print their own copy of these documents.

2019 Special Events Schedule & Rules Now Available

The 2019 Special Events Schedule & Rules have been posted to the Metro Seniors web site.  (Click Here)

Reservations for Special Events will open on 1 January 2019.  There will be 6 events running from April through September 2019. 

Changes for 2019

  • Five of the events will be team play and one event will be individual play
  • Dropped the First 100 and Super Seniors events
  • Added Find Your Swing (4-person scramble) and 4-Person Best Ball
  • Dropped Indian Mounds GC and added Fox Creek GC
  • Lunch will be provided at all events
  • You will be able to make a different tee selection for each event when you sign up

The Special Events Course Directions has been updated to remove Indian Mounds and add Fox Creek GC.  Click Here

Aces for the 2018 Season

Congratulations to our ACES for 2019.

We can celebrate 3 Holes in One for 2018.  Note these guys are our average golfers.  There is hope for all of us out there.

MemberID #CourseDateHcp Guide
Larry Ardelsberger



Fred Horner3757 FlorissantCourse22
Frank Finazzo5942Gateway 2018-09-0627

Give them a pat on the back.  I’m sure they will be happy to recount the experience.

We had fewer Aces this year.  Maybe it is the law of averages since we have had so many in past seasons.

More information about our Hole In One history click the following posts.

2017 Edition

2016 Edition