Credit Card transactions are now reopened for Membership Renewals and New Membership Applications effective immediately. 1-7-2019. Special Events and Metro Plus will open January 9, 2019 by 9 AM.
The problem that developed with our PayPal account was completely resolved within a few days during the holiday period. We decided all close credit card transactions for an abundance of caution until we were completely satisfied that our account and issues were completely clear.
The actual incident involved only the Metro Senior account. It was very short and security procedures locked our account access immediately. Along with PayPal security procedures, we have strengthened our own security rules and education to prevent this in the future.
No member information or credit transactions were involved.
Membership Renewals have been extended to January 31, 2019 to accommodate members who may have waited until late December to renew. Paper form renewals remained open during the credit card outage.
As announced, we decided to delay Special Events registrations opening to Wednesday, January 9, 2019. This allowed time to make sure our credit card transactions were secure. Plus for fairness, all members had fair notice for the opening.
Links for the Special Events and Metro Seniors registration will open by 9:00 AM on January 9, 2019.