“NEW” 2017 Membership Renewal Procedures

As many of you may already be aware, Metro Seniors is introducing new renewal procedures for 2017.

The first is the introduction of the “New” Online Membership Renewal Application which will accept credit card payments.  The success of the Special Events online credit card payment system that we experienced this year was overwhelming in that we had 60% of our Special Event entries handled by credit card.  That proved to be a boon for Metro Senior with a great reduction in the number of checks needed to be processed.  With that success, it was decided that it would be the correct time to follow with the renewal process.

            Please use the following link:      On-Line Renewal Form

After you use the on-line renewal application, you will receive a reply email from elbowspace.com with the subject line: Metro Seniors — Your Information Has Been Received.  Print this receipt and keep it for your records.

The second new procedure has to do with mailing the renewal application.  For those members who prefer to mail in their renewals and pay with a check the attached Mail-in Renewal Form can be used.

            For Mail-in Renewal Form – click here.

If you elect to mail in your renewal application the check should be made payable to – Metro Seniors

The completed renewal form and check should be mailed to:

            Dan Glenzy

            14 London Ct.

            O’Fallon, MO 63366

Individual letters are being sent by mail to 31 of our current members.  Twelve of which apparently who do not have email, or a computer.  The other 19 letters are going to members have something wrong with their email addresses.  By sending out the letters, it is hoped that we are able to cover all of our members.  We would like to ask all of you to mention this email to your friends and playing partners, because we know that there will be others who might have emails that not active, messed up, or, they just don’t check their email on a regular basis.

We don’t want to overlook anyone!

 Any questions about the new procedures should be directed to Dan at dglenzy@charter.net , or call him at (314) 294-4930.   

While you are here, look over the Pace of Play Guidelines.  No one likes a long, slow golf round, waiting for a tee box or the next shot.  Following these ideas will have you and your group playing faster.  Encourage others to do the same and we all will have faster rounds that are more fun!

Download (PDF, 88KB)

Founders’ Day Results

Congrats to all who played at the Founders’ Day Scramble Tournament.  The tournament was held at the Whitmoor CC, which was in fine shape.

We have the results for Closest to Pin and placement with money winnings for each bracket.

The prize purse was split by four brackets.  Each bracket was 1/4th of the field.

Here is the final results.


4-Man Mixed Flight Results

Congrats to all who played at the 4-Man Mixed Flight Scramble Tournament.  The tournament was held at the Acorns, which was in find shape.

We have the results for Closest to Pin and placement with money winnings for each bracket.

The prize purse was split by three brackets.  Each bracket was 1/3rd of the field.

Here is the final results.

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