Events Calendar Added to Website

Try this out.  Make your comments and suggestions.  We have some time to add more features before the 2019 season.

There is a new EVENTS menu added to the Metro Seniors Website.  This is a searchable and downloadable calendar of events that currently includes:

  • Weekly Tournaments information for all Division 1 – 5 for 2019
  • Special Events Scheduled for 2019
  • General and Board Meetings
  • Notices for registration opening for Special Events

Information on each event includes:

  • Title (example – D1 Wk 2  Course Name, or SE – event Course Name)
  • Description – summary information on the event
  • Venue information
    • Name, Address
    • Cost
    • Link to Google Maps
    • Organizer or leader where appropriate

The staring view is the current full month calendar.  To see other months simply click the next or previous month.  The events will show on the date with their Title.  Click on the event Title for full details of each event.

You can change the view to LIST to see the events in the current and following months.

Really powerful – the calendar is Searchable.  Click FIND and put in a keyword to search all calendar events.  For example, typing in Annbriar, will show all events at Annbriar (5 weekly tournaments).    Type in Shotgun to see all shotgun starts listed (30 total) plus all the Special Events. D1 will find all Division 1 weekly events, D2 – Division  2 and so on.

Use quotes to search for items with spaces – example “Wk 18” will find only the events listed for Week 18 – 5 events D1 – D5.   “D1 Wk18” will find only the event for Division 1 in Week 18.

In  MONTH View you will see the calendar for that specific month with the searched items.  In LIST View you will see the next 20 items starting with the month you selected in the Calendar.  Plus you can forward to the next 20, and next 20 and so on.

The Calendar is downloadable to GOOGLE Calendars.

Having a calendar of events on your website is great. Wouldn’t it be super awesome if you could get those events into a personal calendar as well?

How to Export Events

You’re in luck. The Events Calendar PRO includes a nifty option for you to export the events on your calendar in a flash. Visit your calendar and you’ll notice a button at the bottom.

Export Events Button

Click that button and it will download the events listed on the page as an .ics file.

If you’re wondering what the heck an .ics file is, it allows you to import events into a calendar application, like Apple’s iCal or Google Calendar. For example, here are the step-by-step instructions for importing an .ics file into a Google Calendar.

2018 Pace of Play Results – Divisions 1 – 5

We are not seniors who play golf.

We are good golfers who happen to be seniors.


This will be a continuing process for many years. There will always be a “slowest” group and a “slowest” round. Our goals are to keep those slowest groups below 4 hours 45 minutes and to have an average pace of play of about 4:30 across all courses, starts, and players.

  • Tee groups and players playing at 4:30 or less are WONDERFUL!
  • Tee groups that stay up with the group ahead (10 minutes or less separation) are GREAT!
  • Tee groups that average 2:15 on each of front and back are ON TRACK!
  • Tee groups that are running 15 minutes per hole or less are GETTING IT DONE!
  • Slow groups are over 4:45 Pace AND are 15 minutes or more behind the group ahead (a hole empty ahead).
  • If every slow group simply played 1 minute faster per hole, everyone would have a faster round, more fun and perhaps better scores!

Ready Golf is mostly eliminating time wasters between your golf shots.  Faster travel to the balls, Better cart management. Watching (and remembering) shots to eliminate ball searches.  Making your shots as soon as possible and safe – no “honors”, no “order”.

Overall Pace of Play (POP) for 2018 was quite good and still a huge IMPROVEMENT over 2016 and earlier. Our gross averages for all tee groups across all Divisions and courses to date is 4:34, slightly longer than last year (4:30) but still a 15 minute improvement as compared to 2016.

Divisions 2, 3, and 4 were at or very nearly the same POP as 2017.  Divisions 1 and 5 slowed down about 5 to 10 minutes on average.

Why are we “slower” than 2017?

  • Wet and cold weather early in the season hurt times. Path Only conditions slow pace by about 30 minutes. Rain delays also hurt the data, but only a few outings had significant rain delays.
  • 1 or 2 slow groups playing early in a Tee Start
  • Shotgun starts especially with more than 24 tee groups (lots of B tee groups).
  • Challenging courses (long, blind shots, deep rough, hilly) especially when coupled with shotgun starts.

2018 detailed data continues to show that an overwhelming majority of our members can and do play at pace between 4 and 4:30. All ages and physical and golf abilities have been playing quickly.

Being ready to play and staying aware are far more important than skill, age or physical capabilities in pace of play.

Only 18% of our events had average play of 4:45 of more and over 1/2 of them were Shotgun starts and difficult courses.

Unfortunately there is still a very small minority of players and groups who are playing slower than our targets. For example, only 8 players in Division 1 made up 50% of the slowest tee groups in 2018.  Even they played at acceptable pace for about half of the season.

Continued effort for these members and new members added for 2019 and beyond is planned and will will be needed. Staying at pace requires continuous effort.

Each Division VP is the primary contact for his division’s Pace of Play. If you have issues or complaints especially about a slow group or player, please talk with your VP. In most cases the problems are known and action is already underway.

2019 Pace of Play Efforts 

This will be a continuing process for many years.  There are several improvements for handling data and reporting.

For more details by course, division, start type and more see below.

Download (PDF, 44KB)

Personnel Changes for 2019

With only 1 week of play left, the 2018 18 hole season is almost in the books.

The Board of Governors and our Committees are already looking into the future for 2019. New schedules, perhaps some new courses, new opportunities, and some changes in people on the Board, Committees and in our executive positions.

Special Events Committee

Frank Mantia Retires From Special Events

Frank Mantia, Chair of Special Events for several years, has decided to leave the Chair for new opportunities, see below. With Frank in the lead, Special Events have continued to thrive and increase in quality. The Special Events Committee had developed into a strong team. We all owe Frank a big THANK YOU for his efforts.

Frank joined Division 2 in 2011 and is a member of Division 2 and also Division 5.

Frank McLaughlin New Special Events Chair

Frank McLaughin has been appointed as our new Chairman of Special Events. Frank is already getting Special Events organized for 2019. SE will continue to offer high quality outing at great courses with a focus on team play and mixing players from all divisions.

Frank joined Metro Seniors in 2013 and plays in Division 5.

The first Special Events Committee meeting for 2019 will be next week. Interested in volunteering to help a great team, contact Frank McLaughlin immediately.

Division 2 Vice President

Tom Stiern Retires

Tom Stiern, our VP of Division 2, has decided to retire as VP at the end of the 2018 season. Since 2015, Division 2 has thrived under Tom. Division 2 statistics for participation are exceptional – 70% of members are playing every week. Handicaps and net scores are the best of all divisions. Tom led the Pace of Play initiative for Division 2 getting to 4:30 in 2017 and 4:34 for 2018. Tom’s team of Starters and Scorers and his trusty assistant, Al Clarke made it all work quite well.

Tom joined Metro Seniors in 2013.

Thank You, Tom Stiern for a job well done.

Frank Mantia New VP of Division 2

Frank Mantia, quickly volunteered to take on the VP, Division 2 role. Frank will be involved immediately as part of the Tournament Committee to help guide course selections for 2019. The Tournament Committee will also guide improvements to weekly operations, including Starter/Scorer duties.

Nominations for Directors – Needed NOW!

The planning for the 2019 Season is now starting. An important part is filling positions for the Board of Governors (directors), officers and committees.

We need your help! NOW!

Directors for Board of Governors Needed – Nominations Close October 1

Each year we need to replace at about 5 to 8 Directors on the Board, at least one or more from each Division. Elections as needed will be completed before the November General Membership Meeting.

Members may nominate other members or volunteer as candidates for the Board from their Division. Contact your Division VP ASAP to nominate candidates or volunteer to serve.

Board Directors are the representatives for the general membership. The Board is the ultimate authority for Metro Seniors. Four meetings each year are scheduled to review and approve operations and plans for the future.

Serving on the Board is a great way to help improve Metro Seniors. It is not a huge commitment of time. But you will have the opportunity to make a real impact for the future of Metro Seniors!

Officers Needed

Executive Officers – President, First VP, Treasurer, Secretary, and Division VP

Executive Officers are nominated and elected by the Board of Governors (Directors). Officers are responsible for all plans, budgets, schedules, and all operations for Metro Seniors.

Officers are usually filled from the Directors on the Board. They are committed, interested, knowledgeable, and have a sense of continuity.

Committee Members Needed

Committees are the real lifeblood of Metro Seniors. We always need volunteers from all divisions on standing committees including:

Handicap Committee (Dick Jones, Chair)
Rules Committee (Gary Brown, Chair)
Publicity/Communication – Tony Ellebracht, Chair)
Special Events – (Frank McLaughlin, 2019 Chair)

Other committees are also available.

Division 9 – 2018 Update

Division 9 is our 9 hole league that plays Wednesday mornings at Riverside Golf Club in Fenton, MO (I44 at the Meramec River).  It has a 9 hole flight competition with closest to pin very much like our 18 hole divisions 1 – 5.   Handicaps used for Division 9 are generated and used only there.  Tee groups are filled as people arrive.  No commitments and you don’t have to have a 4some established.

This year there are about 60 Division 9 only members.  However about 30 members from Division 1-5 play in Division 9 too.

I’ve played several times with Division 9, had fun, and will continue to to do so.  Play is competitive and quick,

This might just be the little extra practice that you need to score better on Thursday or Friday.

CLICK HERE for more information on Division 9

Smartphone Scorecard Aid APP for 2018

Looking for the right tee choices (forward/back with colors) for the weekly tournaments?

Want to make sure you have the right member names and numbers for scorecards?

We have a smartphone app for that!

It will work for any smartphone (or tablet or PC) with internet access.  You simply go to the division form webpage and the form pots up.  No apps downloaded.  No security issues. It works great with a touch screen.

You simply select the course and number of players.  You can then select each player (for name and number) and the selected tees for the outing.  This is a simple “lookup” form.  You will still fill out and submit the paper scorecards.

This type form will be the basis for our future electronic scorecards.  One form for each 18 hole division (Divisions 1 – 5) with the most recent player listing, courses and tees.

This version DOES NOT have scoring.  You do not have to complete the form or submit any data.

However, this is a start to get you used to using the mobile data platform.  When we add scoring, you will already be comfortable with the form.

This form does allow information on starting groups (Tee Sequence Number) and Start and Scorer Times.  We will be testing this for pace of play logs.

Want to see it?  Sure you do!

Simply click on the following links for each Division.

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4

Division 5

You can access it on you smartphone by copying the same link to your smartphone browser.

Note: Select 2, 3, or 4 players to get 2, 3, of  4 players selections respectively.  This keeps the form shorter.

Also, if you complete the form including the Start and Finish Times, you can submit the form and the data can be added to our Pace data.

Finally – I will be forming the Mobile Scorecard Committee soon to start testing of the full scorecard form.  This will include collecting and submitting real scores for outings in test mode.

Want to Help?  Contact me –








Member Book Now Available Online

Members, new and old, we had higher than expected turnout at the Membership Meeting last week.  Thank you for coming!

Unfortunately, we ran short of the Member Book.

Good News!  We have printed more copies and you can pick yours up at your first weekly tournament.  These have been delivered to your Division VP.

Better News!  We have a complete copy of the Member Book now available on this website as a PDF file. This copy will be updated for changes as needed during the season.  You can view the book from your PC or smartphone at any time.  You can download it for your PC or smartphone.  You can also print it all or page by page using your PDF viewer controls.  See Below.

This has everything in the print version including Starter/Scorer Instructions, Special Events information, Close To Pin and Tee information, and schedules.

Wallet /Credit Card sized schedule is the last 2 pages of the book are a special printable wallet schedule for each division including Special Events.  If you have a duplex printer (prints on 2 sides of paper) you can print it directly and cut out your division.  If not print 2 pages and attach front and back.

So all I really want to print is the wallet schedule!   Here it is – 2 pages, print on both sides is you have a duplex printer.  

Download (PDF, 59KB)

Member Book 2018 for Viewing or Download

Download (PDF, 663KB)


Electronic Score Card Testing – 2018

Electronic Score Cards are moving into pilot testing for weekly tournaments at the start of 2018 season.

Want to be part of the testing?  Want to get the tournament results out faster?  Volunteer to be part of the testing team.

We need 8 to 10 (or more) volunteers who:

  • Have an internet connected smartphone (Iphone or Andriod) – most are
  • Know how to access website on their phone
  • Are willing to help others
  • Are interested in helping make our scoring process better, faster, less expensive

How to volunteer?   Email to David Wicks –  (or tell Rick Hines or Tom Stiern)

A couple of meetings are being planned for February (probably about 2 hours).

We initially will be organizing tests for Division 2 and Division 5.  Volunteers will be trained on the “electronic score card” (really easy).  Volunteers will also help plan the full scale data entry for specific weekly tournaments.

Volunteers may also demonstrate the score card at the General Membership meeting in March.

When the season starts, we expect that a team of volunteers (4 to 6) will run the tests.  They will also show playing members how to enter their own score cards.

Want to see a working test score card?  CLICK HERE

Only Division 1 (2017) members’ numbers and 2017 dates are set up for the test.  You can click to chose the courses, the members, and the tees.  You input numbers (1 to 9) for the hole by hole scores.  Scores are totaled automatically.

Then SUBMIT the final data.  It is easy, accurate, and once you do a few, it will be fast.



New Officers for 2018

With the new year, we have changes in officers.  The following changes were approved by the Board of Directors for the 2018 Season.

Rick Hines has completed his term as Past President and on the Executive Committee.  He is continuing as VP for Division 5.

Bob Zaruba has completed his term as President and moves to Past President and continues on the Executive Committee.

Dave Wicks, as of January 1 will be the President and will continue on the Executive Committee.

Larry Roth, currently a Director for Division 1, has been confirmed as First Vice-President and will begin serving on the Executive Committee.

Don Skitt is stepping down from the Secretary position.  Craig Carothers has been confirmed by the Board as our new Secretary.

As previously announced, Denis Carter is now our Treasurer, replacing Ed Gautier.

Finally as a special recognition, Herb Walker has stepped down from responsibilities on the Board after 18 consecutive years of service.

Please be sure to express your thanks to these folks.  They have kept this organization healthy, fun and vital for many years.