2018 Rule and Operation Changes

2018 Rule and Operations Changes

As of November 2017 Board Meeting we  will be implementing the following changes for 2018 Rules and Regulations and Policies and Procedures.

LAST REGISTRATION – 1 Hour After Start Tee Times

The biggest change is reducing the registration cut-off time to one (1) hour after the official Start Time.  Example – the last group registration will be 7:30 AM (for a 6:30 AM first tee start).

For many outings starters are waiting 20 to 30 minutes for no registrations.  We occasionally had a 20 to 30 minute starting gap for the late groups.   A very few groups will have to show up a few minutes earlier for registration.

See all the current revisions below:

Download (PDF, 69KB)

Pace of Play Ideas

Here is a link to a video from USGA about ideas on Pace of Play.  CLICK HERE

Ideas on faster play at the Greens – CLICK HERE

How to Use Rules for Faster Play and Better Scores = CLICK HERE



2018 Membership Renewal Now Open

Metro Senior Members,

It is time for you to began the your membership renewal process. You have until December 31, 2017 to renewal your membership and maintain your position in your current division, or transfer to a different division.

If you wait until after January 1, 2018, you will be grouped with new members on a first come first serve basis and when the 160 member limit is reached you will be frozen out of your desired division.

Division 5 was at 160 members last year, while Divisions 3 and 4 were almost at 160. To guarantee your position in Divisions 3, 4, or 5, then you should get your renewals in.

Please use the following link: On-Line Renewal Form

If you elect to mail in your renewal application (see attached file) the check should be made payable to – Metro Seniors.

The completed renewal form and check should be mailed to:

Dan Glenzy

14 London Ct.

O’Fallon, MO 63366

Thank you,

The Membership Committee

Metro Seniors Renewal Form

2017 Smartphone Survey Results

Thank you for your responses.

The evolution of smartphones has generated the opportunity and need to make communications “mobile friendly”.  As an example, our Metro Sr website automatically resizes for the smaller smartphone screen.  We also need to look for improved ways to communicate Metro Seniors news and perhaps weekly VP tournament announcements (emails?).

Over the last several years, ideas for improving our weekly tournament scoring process have bubbled up. Ideas have outrun the technology.  Our current “paper based” Universal Scorecard process is:

  • Time consuming – members and data entry
  • Time delayed – mailing, bulk data entry
  • Relatively expensive – mailing, printing, data entry
  • Error prone – input and data entry
  • Affects every member

Technology now exists. Smartphones are now in wide use. Essentially hand held wireless computers connected to the internet and central servers/systems.

Applications (APPs) that use smartphones for “Mobile Data Entry” are widespread and some are virtually free.  These allow easy point – click data entry, automatic completion, error checking and math.  They also allow immediate data transfer for use in central databases (like OurGolfStats).

We are exploring the opportunity to utilize Mobile Data Entry as a replacement for our current paper scorecard system.  Within a few years, we expect that this will be the standard everywhere.

The decision for us is should we start now or wait.  The Smartphone Survey will help in deciding when we start.

Do we have a “critical mass” of smartphones?

Do members have enough experience to use website or Mobile Data Entry APPs?

Do members understand the issues, problems, delays, costs, and time for paper scorecards?

Can we develop Mobile Data Entry that is faster, cheaper, higher quality and that members will use?

Do we see more opportunities?

  • Fast, accurate, real time course surveys or course conditions reports
  • Improved pace of play measures, real time
  • Reduced efforts and time for volunteers (Starters / Scorers and administration)
  • ???? More Ideas?????

Download (PDF, 260KB)





Special Events Committee Organizing for 2018 Season

Frank Mantia, Chairman for Special Events, is organizing the Special Events Committee for 2018.

We will be discussing the Special events and courses for the 2018 season.  Discussion can include the structure and some of the details for each tournament.  If you have an interest in making these better and more fun, this is a great way to participate.

The first meeting will be on 31 October, 10:00 AM, Frank’s home.

Please contact Frank Mantia by email


To let him know you are interested.  He confirm the address and time.

Course Survey 2017 – Closing Soon

The Survey has received almost 200 responses so far.  There is a pretty good balance of responses by Division and Flights (handicap range) except for Division 4 and our D Flight players.

The Survey will remain open for a few more days.  If you are in Division 4 or are a D Flight players, there is still an opportunity to express your opinions.

For more information on the Survey and links to the Survey – CLICK HERE.

2017 – League Championship Update

Playing well this season?  Winning some flight money? Your handicap going down some?  Did you know that we have the Association Invitational Championship outing?

Great! You may be in the running for an invitation for the Association Championship on August 29.  Please mark your calendar for the possibility.

How Do I Qualify

  • Qualifications (see below for details)
    • Lowest 10 NET weekly tournament scores from the first 18 weeks of the season ending August 18
    • Member with at least 10 rounds scored in 2016
    • Flights based on Handicap Guide (HG) distribution from qualified members as of 1/31
    • 16 Members plus ties for each of 4 Brackets (1, 2, 3, 4) with the lowest average net scores for 10 of the 18 weekly tournaments  (revised from 2016 and 2017 Member Book – see below)
    • If qualified members cannot attend, we will extend invitations to the next qualified member(s) for the Bracket in order of lowest average net score.

Alternates / Substitutions

Please note, that each year we have several members from each bracket who cannot attend.  This means that even if you are 17th to perhaps 22th place you have a high probability for an invitation.  As of today, invitations would go to the top 20 (and even into the 30s places for Bracket 4).  Because several low net players don’t have the required minimum 10 rounds.

You can see the current status Championship Qualification Report for the entire Association at Ourgolfstats.com on the Green Sheets Report.  It is the second report, on each Division, before any weekly results.

DIRECT LINK TO GREEN SHEETS and Championship Qualification Status 

Check this every week through August 20 to see where you stand.

The Final Qualification Report will be available about August 22.  However, even if you are in 17th to perhaps about 30th place you might qualify as an Alternate.

Respond to Invitations Immediately

If you are invited to play as a top 16 (or as an alternate further down the list), please be ready to commit IMMEDIATELY.  We will be scrambling to fill slots and we don’t have much time.

Although play is completed August 18, we won’t have final scores and analysis in until August 22. We will have only a few days to get the invitations issued, and all spots committed.

Revisions to Bracket 1 Qualifications for 2017

For 2017 Season we now allow A Flight to pick either Forward or Back tees like all other divisions.  This required a change in the Championship Qualifications for Bracket 1.

Now Bracket 1 will used only NET SCORES for the qualification, exactly the same as Brackets 2, 3, and 4.    Previously we allocated 1/2 of the Bracket 1 to Low Average Gross, and 1/2 half to Low Average Net when all A Flight was required to play from the back tees.  This is no longer appropriate with both Forward and Back tees available.

Download (PDF, 21KB)



Division 1 Schedule Change – 7/21 and 9/8

Division 1 Members – following is a course schedule change.  We had to swap dates between Far Oaks and Incline Village due to issues beyond our control. Only the dates were changed, everything else remains the same.

Vince Italiano, VP Div 1, will issue a confirming email the week of each tournament.


Friday, July 21 –  Incline Village   $25   Split Tee Start – First Tee Time 6:30 AM

Friday, September 8 – Far Oaks  $32  Shotgun Start – 8:00 AM

ST L METRO SR Div 1 Date SCH Rev 7-10-17




Access Issues for OurGolfStats.com – Login Page


This link currently goes to the OurGolfStats Login Page –http://ourgolfstats.com/index.php From there you should be able to use all the Metro Seniors features in OurGolfStats.

We noticed a problem on the old website address links a few weeks ago. Craig Carothers implemented a solution and posted on the Metro Seniors Website for Craig’s explanation and suggestions. This is a link to the original post. https://www.golfstlseniors.org/access-to-ourgolfstats-com/

This did seem to work, but the problem seems to have redeveloped for the many redirects.

Some other links do work. Links to the Green Sheets  http://ourgolfstats.com/ms_weekly_results_dir2017.php


To see Roster, Handicaps, Flights, COurse Handicaps and Tees, Flight Results, and other reports

We recommend that you

  1. Erase all current bookmarks for the OurGolfStats site.
  2. Then paste this link into your browser address bar. http://ourgolfstats.com/index.php
  3. When the OurGolfStats login page comes up, BOOKMARK this page wherever you want a quick access to login to OurGolfStats

Now you should be fixed up.


ALSO – internet search engines (google and bing) WILL NOT give working website links for OurGolfStats.  You must enter the address and/or bookmark the address above to get the the working login page.   CLICK HERE

Special Events Leaders (and contacts)

We are fortunate to have a great volunteer pool.  Leading our Special Events is a great example.

Leadership for our Special Events

Frank Mantia – Special Events Committee Chair

  • 1st 100 – Frank Mantia  mantiafb@hotmail.com
  • 2 Man Ryder Cup – Frank McLaughlin  fmmcl@hotmail.com
  • Super Seniors – Don Woodrome  dcwoodman@aol.com
  • 2 Man Pick Your Partner – Bob Zaruba  zubie27@yahoo.com
  • Founders Day – Bill Moltz   wfmolz@yahoo.com
  • Same Flight Individual Play – Larry Roth   larry@lgr-sri.com

Rick Hines is handling the Registration and Payment System, and Manages the Entry and Wait Lists

CONTACTS for Information (and Cancellations if necessary)

  • Registration, Entry Lists and Wait Lists –  please contact Rick Hines  metroseniors@charter.net
  • Event rules, setup,and volunteering – Contact the specific event leader
  • Cancellations  – Contact the Event Leader by phone or email, and include an email to Rick Hines.



Dennis Carter – New Treasurer for Metro Seniors

Dennis Carter, Division 1 member, volunteered and been accepted as the new Treasurer for Metro St. Louis Seniors Golf.  Dennis has been a Board Director for Division 1.  As Treasurer, he stay on the Board of Governors.  He has been a member of the Handicap Committee.  Dennis also volunteered on the Pace of Play Committee.

Ed Gauthier, our most recent Treasurer, is spending more time with his family out of town and resigned earlier this year.  We do want to thank Ed for his past service.  He made many important contributions to our accounting.  Ed is also continuing to assist us into the future with our association taxes.

Bob Zaruba, our President, was filling in as Treasurer until now.

Our Current Board of Governors, Officers and Committees

Download (PDF, 8KB)